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Our new travel planner enables you to plan your trip in the most efficient way possible.
Using the latest technology powered by You.Smart.Thing. the travel planner enables you to search venues and places to visit all around the county and presents you with personalised journey routes to help you experience new places, all with sustainable travel in mind.
Think of it as Google Maps Plus!
Our travel planner offers you multi-modal travel, meaning you can mix travelling by train, bus, car, cycle and walking; telling you exactly how much carbon can be saved by travelling smart. Try the travel planner today and plan your next journey the smart way.
You may leave the Lake District, but once you’ve been, it’ll never leave you.
Receive all the latest news, special offers and information from the Lake District, Cumbria
Cumbria Tourism, Windermere Road, Staveley, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9PL